Particulars As on Mar’2019 2019-2020 TOTAL
Training Expenses Rs.10 Thou Rs.10 Thou
LED TV to Homes Rs.8.55 Lakhs Rs.40 thousand Rs.9 Lakhs
RO Plant to Homes Rs. 4.50 Lakhs Rs. 4.50 Lakhs
Solar Heater to Home, Boarding & Hostels Rs. 8.95 Lakhs Rs. 8.95 Lakhs
Sweater to Home Children Rs.1.62 Lakhs Rs.1.62 Lakhs
Water bottles to home children Rs.85 Thou Rs.85 Thou
Awareness Wall Painting to Child Protection RS.35 Thou Rs.35 Thou
Book Rack to home children Rs. 1.25 Lakhs Rs.1.25 Lakhs
Support to Tribal Children Rs.78 Thou Rs.78 Thou
Gift to Children Home Rs.50 Thou Rs.50 Thou
Solar lamp to Auxilium school, Madura Rs.3 Lakhs Rs.3 Lakhs
Plastic mat, Tumbler to Home Children Rs. 50 Thou Rs. 50 Thou
School bag to Athimugam ARS Home children & Arani St.Joseph Home children Rs.1.8 Lakhs Rs.1.8 Lakhs
Ear rings to Home children Rs.2.3 lakhs Rs.2.3 lakhs
Grinder to Home children Rs. 81 Thous Rs. 81 Thous
Dining table to IELC Children Home Bargur Rs. 1.6 Lakhs Rs. 1.6 Lakhs
Food Expenses for Physically Challenged People, Rs. 80 Thous Rs. 80 Thous
Tour Expenses to blind children Rs. 53 Thous Rs. 53 Thous
TOTAL Rs. 36.49 Lakhs Rs. 2.7 Lakhs Rs. 39.19 Lakhs